Sonya Radvan

B. Sc.

Since graduation I have had the opportunity to complete research in different areas including pre-clinical/clinical drug studies for human neuro-muscular diseases. However, my main area of interest lies in how the study of genetics and molecular biology can offer unknown insights into species at risk; and then how this knowledge can positively impact conservation efforts.

I completed my honours research with Dr. Tim Frasier in 2019 where I began early research into how inbreeding could be affecting the North Atlantic right whale's recovery. I was then able to work with Dr. Brenna Frasier to complete DNA extraction and analysis work for the North Atlantic right whale and St. Lawrence beluga. The main focuses of my current work here are to help receive, store, and process new samples being collected from various species, helping to oversee the lab's organization and function, and assisting the other lab members as needed in the Genome Canada right whale project.